Strong Women for Tough Times

 Real-life Women Who Changed History! 


Strong Women for Tough Times reveals how real women since the beginning of time broke gender, race, education, work, and cultural barriers and changed history. Rarely before the middle of the 1800's did women have a chance to fully use the gifts God gave them. 


From Eve to Joan of Arc, from nurses to doctors, from nobodies to Queens, from slave liberators to computer and software designers. Over thirty-six women in this easy-to-read book reveal how courage, faith, wisdom, and endurance prove how today's women can achieve anything God calls them to do! 

Forward by Barbara Wentroble, author of fifteen books, President and Founder: International Breakthrough Ministries, 

200 pages. Suitable for ages 13 and above.  


The cover image is designed to represent any strong Godly woman. The armor refers to Ephesians 6:11, "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil" and symbolizes Joan of Arc (read her amazing story in this book).

Chapters include:

Strong Women for Tough Times -

  • Know what they are called to do, and What Not to Do
  • Are Confident- Not Confused
  • Know Who they Are and Whose They Are
  • Are Kingdom Seekers - Not Self-Seekers
  • Combat Injustice and Defend the Innocent
  • Filled with Faith in God-Not Faith in the World



“Lynn does an amazing job interweaving the present crisis condition of the world with stories from the past of women who rose up to resist and change the status quo of the world in which they lived.  Her choice of heroines was exemplary and inspirational.  This book is truly a must-read as it empowers the reader to believe that they too can make a difference and become world changers.”

Patricia Juster, minister with Restoration from Zion, Israel


"Strong  Women for Tough Times is captivating from the very first page!  What a wonderful read! It is informative and relevant for our times. It compels one to examine their own life in the light of the courage and the dependence upon God that these “strong women” manifested.  

Any reader will be challenged and should the future require it, more than enough courage will be produced upon the remembrance of these pages!   Buy this book for your friends, for your children, for your grandchildren! They will benefit greatly!   

Dr. Rebecca Polis, Revival Fellowship International


As cultures sink around us, Lynn Kishaba gives us not only insight but hope as we navigate these uncharted and rough waters.  This is a must-read for strong women of all ages. 

Nicki Pfeifer, Co-Convenor, United States Coalition of Apostolic Leaders 


Lynn Kishaba has written a profoundly timely book, using a unique mixture of all four known writing styles (persuasive, narrative, expository, and descriptive) to communicate a powerful prophetic message concerning the strong woman.   This book is a must-read regardless of gender.

Apostle Obii Pax-Harry, CEO, Nehemiah Apostolic Resource Centre, Abuja, Nigeria/ Rebuilding Lives Project, Baltimore, USA. 


Lynn has packed so much compelling and interesting information into her latest book, “Strong Women for Tough Times.” She has worked tirelessly in her research. I was blessed by reading about women from all walks of life who have made their mark - in history and on eternity - through their courageous and selfless endeavours. Lynn’s book will encourage women everywhere to be all that Christ has called them to be.

Apostle Catherine Brown, Founding Director, New Destiny Global Ministries